The monitoring and evaluation method and tools for the evaluation of the “Human Rights of Youth: Training for Young People” were designed with the staff of the organizations involved in the development this handbook to ensure that the evaluation process implemented in a quality manner and contributed to the further development of the activities.
The main purpose of the Monitoring and Evaluation methodology of training activities was to ensure that the quality of the project is increased in terms of logistics, content and the experiences of the young people through the course of the events and providing feedback to both the trainers regarding to the content developed and to the hosting organisation concerning to the logistics and handling of the crises. During this process, different tools were used to measure participants’ achievements, learning experiences, and changes in their knowledge and skills.
The following questions were used to develop the basis of the monitoring and the valuation strategy:
- In line with the objectives of the training, to objectives, to what extent and in what way did the participants’ knowledge, attitudes and skills regarding their social rights of young people, social welfare systems and implementation of research activities change?
- Were there any knowledge, attitudes and skills that did not change in the planned direction?
- To what extent were the participants’ expectations about the program reached?
- What were the methods used during the training process and what kind of learning took place during the training process?
- Have the participants reached the competencies to develop projects in their fields?
During the process, the project coordinator from Spain was involved in the development of the training program and took the role of the overall monitoring and evaluation process of the program and provided information about the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation throughout the implementation of the training activities.
The learning objectives were planned as :
- To make the young people aware about the issues concerning the social welfare structures
- To qualify the young people willing to involve in the research activity with their peers to make them able to engage in survey work
- To create a network of young people who will engage in dialogue through social media and face to face with the politicians
- To make young people to become changemakers in their own communities
- To plan the research methodology and receive the feedback of young people about the decided areas within the project
The development of the monitoring and evaluation strategy was done with the involvement of the staff of the partner organizations and the evaluation forms are developed in one stage rather than pre- and postform stages. The reasoning behind this way of development of the strategy has been that the participants would not over-evaluate themselves prior to participating in the activity as well as gathering the results that are unrealistic. This issue is called as response-bias in social science. Response bias “is a general term for a wide range of tendencies for participants to respond inaccurately or falsely to questions. These biases are prevalent in research involving participant self-report, such as structured interviews or surveys. Response biases can have a large impact on the validity of questionnaires or surveys”.
Therefore, the evaluation process is done one-stage, at the end of the training :
– Before the training: by asking participants to evaluate themselves after the training concerning to their prior knowledge before participation to activity.
– After the training: by asking participants to evaluate themselves after the training concerning to their current knowledge/skill-set/attitudes.
The evaluation form used in the evaluation of the “Human Rights of Youth: Training for Young People “ can be accessed from here :
To understand the satisfaction rate of the participants from the training activity, the NPS Score methodology and Likert Scale evaluation methodology have been used. NPS Score is calculated as the graphic indicates below :

Demographics of Participants
The median age of participants was 19,76 years old. The oldest participant was 29 years old and youngest participant was 18 years old. The trainer team was consisted of 5 youth workers aged between 28 to 41 years old. The participants were consisted of 9 male and 16 female. Each country has involved 4 young people and 1 youth worker from the staff of the organizations.
Moreover, the activities were implemented jointly with the involvement of the staff of the organizations to engage the staff on the implementation of the activities as well as in the later stages of the project. The evaluation was made under three segments : Competences, Open-ended feedback questions and Overall Satisfaction (NPS Score).
The participants were requested to answer, following statements by reflecting their experience before and after the training activity. They were asked to choose the most suitable option from 5 Likert Scale.
Statements | |
ST1 | I have knowledge about the development process of Social Rights. |
ST2 | Between the citizenship and social rights dilemma, I know what my country’s shortcomings are within the framework of social rights. |
ST3 | I agree that human rights are inseparable and that one is not more valuable than the other. |
ST4 | I know about the historical timeline of the evaluation of human rights. |
ST5 | If there is no freedom of speech, it does not matter about the rights. |
ST6 | If the young people’s social rights are not guranteed, they cannot achieve their goals in the life. |
ST7 | I can engage in intercultural training courses. |
ST8 | To achieve universal human rights, solidarity and social justice is necessary. |
ST9 | I know about the roles of government, NGOs, the citizens and media and how they interact with each other. |
ST10 | I can establish the relationship between the concept of Social Justice and Social Rights. |
ST11 | I can deal with cultural differences. |
ST12 | Rights must be guaranteed by the state. |
ST13 | I know the relationship between participation and social justice. |
ST14 | I have knowledge about youth research and youth studies concerning the human rights of young people. |
Each statement is related to the one competence area concerning to the knowledge, skills and the attitudes of the participants to be planned to developed within the training. In the first section of the analysis of the competences, we have asked participants to evaluate themselves before the trainings concerning to the Statements Above. The result of this evaluation was as in the graphic below.
According to the each statement area, change can be seen related to the knowledge, attitude and skills concerning to the social rights of young people and the human rights of young people. In that sense, the change between the competence areas demonstrate that the training activity reach out its goals in terms of developing competences among the young people concerning to the social rights of the young people.

Questions related to satisfaction rate of the participants from the training activities
When we have asked the participants to define their satisfaction level from the training from 1-10 according to the NPS score, the score was calculated as 64 which demonstrate that the participants enjoyed and were satisfied from the overall content of the training activities as well as the logistics.

In addition to that, the motivation to involve in the more activities of the other organizations demonstrates that the young people are willing to engage more and implement new activities within their organizations. According to their answers to the question “Would you plan to continue in new projects and involve in your organisation more?” shows that they are willing to involve more than before after their participation to this training activity and act as change makers in their communities by developing new projects and participating to the new activities within their organizations.

Concerning to the logistical aspects of the training, the participants were satisfied and they have made the comments concerning to the logistical aspects of the activities which can be seen in the next section “Open-Ended Questions”.

Open-ended feedback questions
Participants were asked about the conduct of the trainers and the approach that they have been used during the implementation of the activity by using “Do you have any comments on the conduct of the training or approach of trainers? What would you want us to change?”, their answers demonstrated that the conduct of the trainers were positive and they didn’t request a change rather than one of the participants indicated that, she would like to include more energizers to the program.
“I would like more energizers” – 20_M
“I liked the way that this project was established and that the organizers found a funny way to teach us more about human rights , equality and co-operation” – 19_F
“The approach of trainer is very respectable, they have conduct really good the training.
So, I wouldn’t change nothing.“ – 19_F
“I think a very successful training method was used. It allowed me to look at the events from a window that I had not looked at before and made me think.” – 22_F
Regarding to the logistics as the NPS score was the lowest in comparison to the other areas, but with a fair satisfaction grade, we have asked to understand the reasons behind the lower punctuation when it comes to the logistical aspects of the training activity by asking “Do you have any comments on the logistical issues? What would you want us to change?”. It demonstrated that the venue and the staff of the organisation was nice though, they have had comments about the implementation of the activity in Alcala la Real due to difficulties to reach out the venue.
“’It was ok, the staff has been very nice, especially the kitchen one” – 19_F
‘To try to organize better the transfers in some cases” – 22_M
‘The proximity of the airport to education can be changed.” – 20_M
‘It was hard to reach Alcalá la Real because we had to wait a couple of hours, maybe if there were more drivers they could help to manage the arrivals at different hours.” – 19_F
We have asked participants to answer their perceptions concerning to the organsiations involved in the project to understand the aspects of support from the organizations as hosting and sending due to the long-term partnership to solve the issues that might raise in advance by receiving the feedbacks from the participants. To understand that we have asked participants “Do you have any comments on our organisation and your organisations? What would you want us to change?”. Their answers demonstrated that the participants were satisfied from the conduct of the organizations as majority of the feedbacks were positive.
“In general, the organisation of project is the best. I have learned a lot of cultural differences and similitudines. I wouldn’t chance nothing.“ – 22_M
“Everything was very nice, fun and efficient.” – 19_F
The participants answered “Was there anything you found missing in the training? What if, how would it be better if we did it?”. The answers demonstrates that, the training course might be extended 1-2 days longer to cover more deeply to the separate topics or involve components to engage the local community with the participants, even though, it was not one of the aims of the training.
“Maybe some time for making a tour together of an important city in this area. I think it may be also an important part of the project, to let know more the territory where the project takes place.” – 27_M
“Youth with disabilities” – 20_F
“Maybe I would have liked to know a bit more about minorities, but I know that this was not the intention of the course. Nevertheless, I discovered youth studies in Southern Europe which is essential for me”- 22_F
Besides the above comments, the rest of the feedback received from the participants were positive which can be seen below :
“I think that all the training sessions was great” – 20_F
“I am really satisfacted by this project. It’s the best intercultural experience that I’ve done so far.” – 22_F
The next question asked to the participants were related to their perception about the sessions implemented as “Which session was most valuable to you? What can you say you learned that you didn’t know?”. The answers showed that, the sessions ( consult above ) were beneficial for the participants and mainly most mentioned sesssion was the “Happyland” Simulation Game.
“The session when we play a game with different characters.” – 18_M
“I especially enjoyed the HapplyLand debate, it was interesting to defend a position that I considered wrong in almost every aspect and I think that my team did a really great job.” -19_M
“I believe that some games were perfect because they introduced the topic in an easy and funny way so it was easier to discuss.” – 21_F
During the training we have developed the future plans and to understand, the participants plans and their wishes from us as organizers and the consortium partners, the following question was asked “ What would do you expect from us after the training?”, the answers demonstrated that, the participants willing to engage on the activities of the project later on and involve more in the organizations that engaged in the project.
In the last section, we have asked participants to indicate the additional comments, by stating “ If there is something you cannot find a place in this form and you want to say, please use this section.”, their answers demonstrated that the conduct of the training as well as the overall activities were beneficial for them and they have realised that they have been cared and understood in a level that they have not seen before.
“Just thank you, it was mindblowing talking about our situation, since nobody seems to care about young people.” – 19_F
“It was a pleasure to meet everyone, I genuinely think that all the participants were interesting and unique people. I just wish I had the time to know them better. Thanks for this opportunity!” – 22_M
The overall evaluation of the training activity showed us that the participants had gained competences related to social rights issues and youth studies throughout the implementation of the training activity. In addition to that, it motivated participants to engage in the further education activities within their organizations and make them involve more in the implementation of this project as well as the other projects that the organizations have been carrying on. The results of the research activities that have been carried as a result of the young people’s involvement in the pilot stage helped us to reach out over 1000 young people in the implementation phase of the youth study and the training played a role for creating a network between the young people and using this network to reach out wider youth audience.